All students are encouraged to do their best at school and our merit award system is an important part of that goal. The merit award system is used to shape a positive future for our students at Quakers Hill High School.

Nirimba Collegiate merit system - A guide for students
Our merit system consists of many levels:
- The Nirimba Collegiate Medal is at the peak of our merit system.
- The school medal is the second highest level.
- The main body of the merit system is made up of the Gold, Silver and Bronze awards.
- The entry-level of the system is Merits.
Nirimba Collegiate Medal
To qualify for a Nirimba Collegiate Medal, a student needs 2 QHHS Medals (submitted to their year adviser). This is equivalent to:
- 6 Gold Awards
- 18 Silver Awards
- 54 Bronze Awards
- 270 Merits
QHHS Medal
Each school in the Nirimba Collegiate has its own medal in the merit system. To be awarded this, a student needs to have 3 Gold Awards (submitted to their year adviser). This is equivalent to:
- 9 Silver Awards
- 27 Bronze Awards
- 135 Merits
Gold Award
For the Gold Award, students need 3 Silver Awards (submitted to their year adviser). This is equivalent to:
- 9 Bronze Awards
- 45 Merits
Silver Award
To get a Silver award, students need 3 Bronze Awards (submitted to their year advisor). This is equivalent to:
- 15 Merits.
Bronze Award
There are several ways for students to receive a Bronze Award, these include:
- 5 Merits (submitted to their year group's head teacher).
- Participation in a significant co-curricular activity.
- 100% attendance per term.
Merits are the entry-level award of our merit system and are awards to students who uphold our school's SMART values.
Merits need to be submitted and exchanged to Bronze Awards by the end of each stage:
- Stage 4 for Years 7 and 8
- Stage 5 for Years 9 and 10
- Stage 6 for Years 11 and 12
Once a student moves up a stage, their Merits will not be considered towards higher awards.
Equivalent awards
- Bronze = Executive award
- Silver = House or Year advisor award
- Gold = Principal award
- QHHS Medal = Principal Bronze award
- Nimibia Collegiate Medal = Principal Silver or Principal Gold award