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Quakers Hill High School

Quakers Hill High School

A caring educational community shaping a positive future

Telephone02 9837 1533


Bell times

Bells are used to let our students and staff know when it is time to change classes or activities. The bells will ring at different times depending on the day of the week. We also use different bell signals for special situations.

Bell times

Bell signals system

Different bells are used to tell students and staff what to do in various situations.

  • Single ring indicates the start of the day, end of a lesson or break and the end of the day.
  • Two rings indicate an assembly in the quadrangle has been called. All students and staff should assemble in the quadrangle as quickly as possible.
  • Three rings indicate that the oval is closed due to extreme heat or rain. Undercover walkways become in-bounds for that break.
  • Whoop sound indicates that an evacuation is necessary. Students and staff must evacuate the buildings and assemble on the oval.
  • Doorbell sound indicates a lockdown is required. All students and staff must remain in the buildings, close and lock all doors and wait for the "all clear" signal (which is two rings calling everyone to the quadrangle).