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Quakers Hill High School

Quakers Hill High School

A caring educational community shaping a positive future

Telephone02 9837 1533


Parents and Citizens Association

The Quakers Hill High School Parents and Citizens Association has a vital role to play in the educational process.

Why should I join a P&C?

Recent research has shown that the vital ingredient for student engagement and learning is parental participation. Being involved in the education process is one of the best expressions of support you can give your child. It has the greatest impact on children’s engagement with schooling and educational success. Additionally, it allows participation in decision-making about spending funds to best assist the school/students.

Furthermore, we believe one of the best ways to support our students is to be armed with knowledge by participating in effective communication with the school.

When does the P&C meet?

We meet on the second Monday of the month (excluding holidays) at 7:00 pm in the school's learning centre. Occasionally we may need to adjust our meeting dates to accommodate public holidays, school holidays or important school activities, so please get in touch with the school or email the P&C before attending (quakershillhighschoolpandc@gmail.com).

Our P&C association is a very friendly group committed to improving the student and parent experience at the school. We welcome any new members and guests.

Frequently asked questions