History develops in young people an interest in, and enjoyment of, exploring the past. A study of history provides opportunities for examining events, people and societies from ancient, medieval and modern times, including twentieth century Australia.
Students explore the nature of history, how historians investigate the past and the importance of conserving our heritage. Aspects of the ancient and medieval world are studied, including origins and daily life of the ancient world, beliefs and values of medieval societies. The nature of colonisation and contact history are also examined.
Students develop an understanding of significant developments in Australia's social, political and cultural history including Federation, the Vietnam War era and the social history of one decade in depth. Australia's international relationships are examined through World Wars One and Two and our role as a global citizen. The changing rights and freedoms of Aboriginal peoples and other groups in Australia are also studied.
Students learn to apply the skills of investigating history including analysing sources and evidence and sequencing major historical events to show an understanding of continuity, change and causation. Students develop research and communication skills (including the use of ICT) and examine different perspectives and interpretations to develop an understanding of a wide variety of viewpoints. Students also learn to construct a logical historical argument supported by relevant evidence and to communicate effectively about the past to different audiences.
Learning history
History is a manadatory subject for years 7 to 10. Students that would like to continue further study of history in stage 6 will have the opportunity to choose between the Ancient history and Modern history electives. History develops in young people an interest in and enjoyment of exploring the past. A study of Elective History provides opportunities for developing a knowledge and understanding of past societies and historical periods.
Stage 4
Stage 5
History is a core subject studied through stages four and five at Quakers Hills High School. The course allows students to engage with various topics and historical concepts with numerous educational focuses. The history curriculum enables students to develop a wide range of literacy and numeracy skills, through various research tasks, ICT requirements and source analysis. The course aims at creating and moulding conscious, empathetic and informed world citizens, through 21st century teaching and learning.
Students explore the nature of history and the methods that historians use to construct history through a range of thematic and historical studies.
Students develop an understanding of how historians investigate and construct history through an examination of various types of history such as oral history, museum or archive studies, historical fiction, media, biography or film.